Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you call yourself Baka-Raptor?

Technically, Baka-Raptor is only the name of this website and its lovable dinosaur mascot, not me. The name was created during a brainstorming exercise with Ghetto:

So I just went with Baka-Raptor. It could've been worse. If MF had been roommate at the time, you'd probably be reading a website called Gay-Raptor.

Are MF, Ghetto, and Tennis real people?

No. They're the intellectual property of, all rights reserved. It's purely coincidental that I actually know people nicknamed MF, Ghetto, and Tennis. Same goes for Cloud, John Stossel, etc...

Do you have an RSS feed?

No. I feel bigger when people have to manually check my page for updates.

Your website is awesome. How come nobody knows about it?

Because most people suck and can't comprehend how much this page rocks.

Why do you rip off Maddox so much?

1. Maddox is my hero.

2. The site layout is simple and user-friendly.

3. There are a lot of Maddox ripoff sites. I wanted to make one that didn't suck.

4. I thought the anime community would enjoy a Maddox-like twist to anime reviews.

Your anime posts suck. Can you write more rants?


Your rants suck. Can you write more anime posts?


Your ________ sucks. Can you write more _________?

No, quit bugging me. Besides, if your ideas are so great, why not write about them yourself? Get yourself a blog and entertain me for a change.

Is there any way I can contribute to Baka-Raptor?

Yes. As a legendary slacker, I love nothing more than letting other people do my work. However, I have no interest in formally partnering with you or bossing you around. I'm afraid of commitment. Just do whatever you want and send it to me at your own leisure. Depending on your skill set, here are some suggestions:

Artists: Submit your artwork. Animations are cool too. If you really want to suck up to me, draw a Baka-Raptor themed comic.

Musicians: Compose a Baka-Raptor theme song. Accompanying music videos are encouraged.

Writers: Write a page for me. Just letting you know, I'd rather reject your work than edit it, so make sure it's good.

Web Developers: Make a cool app.

Rich people: Pay someone to do any of the above. I'm not interested in (small) monetary donations. Artistic donations are always acceptable.

If you're a talentless anime geek: Recommend an anime series, although there's no guarantee I'll write about it or even watch it.

Have you seen ________?

Assume that I haven't seen the show and tell me why it's worth my time. What I haven't seen might surprise you. For example, I haven't seen Neon Genesis Evangelion. Shocked? Most anime veterans are. The point is, don't feel shy about recommending shows that are overwhelmingly popular. What have you got to lose? In the absolute worst case I'll write you a vitriolic email lambasting you for wasting my time. You'll probably get over the embarassment in a few years.

Why are you so hateful?

Because everything sucks. Except anime.

Doesn't anime suck?

Like any other form of entertainment, some of it inevitably sucks. However, I'd say that the average anime series is actually entertaining, unlike the recycled trash they show on American primetime television.

Is there anything you don't know about anime?

Yes. I don't know anything about the industry in Japan. For example, when I see a blogger say something like:

"I�d forgotten how great Code Geass is. This show hardcore has everything. It�s like an amalgamation of all the good parts of shows Sunrise has done." - Gnostic Lone Wolf Poetry

I have no clue what they're talking about. I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually, but for now, don't expect me to compare Kyoto Animation to Madhouse.

Is there any kind of anime you won't watch?

Yaoi. I'm cool with gay characters, but I have no interest in seeing them get it on.

Do you speak Japanese?

Not fluently, although I took a year of Japanese in college.

What's better: Bleach or Naruto?


Good one. Seriously though, which is better?

Naruto. It's a classic issue of style vs power. In Bleach, whoever can power up the most usually wins the fight. In Naruto, fighting style actually matters.

What kind of music do you like?

I appreciate all kinds of music but don't follow any specific artists. I just pick up whatever anime music gets stuck in my head. Yuki Kajiura is my go-to composer.

Can you answer the next three questions with Bleach song titles?


What symbol do you use to warn readers that a page may contain spoilers?


At what pace do you update your website?

My pace.

What is like a boat?


What's your favorite anime?

I hate this question. If you've seen over 100 anime series like I have, I'm sure you understand. It's like picking your favorite child out of 100 children who are all rich, beautiful, and haven't shipped you off to a nursing home. If I absolutely had to pick one, I'd say Touch. It's not the best anime I've seen, but thanks to a great fansubbing job, I had the most fun watching it. Next would probably be Death Note and Monster. Some of my favorites that haven't gotten a lot of coverage on this site are Great Teacher Onizuka, Hikaru no Go, and Gankutsuou.

Who's your favorite anime character?

This question is even worse. I have an ongoing list of some of my favorites. If I had to narrow it down by character type, here's who I'd go with:

True main character: Tatsuya Uesugi (Touch)

Quasi-main character: Genjyo Sanzo (Saiyuki)

Minor character: Shizuru Fujino (My Hime)

Random character: Kibure (Infinite Ryvius)

How long have you been watching anime?

Since 2001.

Do you have a job?


Why don't you have a job?

I'm still a student. In May 2007 I graduated CMU with bachelor's degrees in computer science and economics, and I'll be in law school from August 2007 - May 2010. This will allow me to fulfill my dream of fighting for justice not getting a job for another three years.

What's up with those numbers at the bottom of each page?

It's a hit counter for that particular page. It's more or less accurate as long as people don't deliberately press the refresh button on their browsers.

4879 of these questions were never actually asked