Watch Monster

Put whatever series you're currently watching on hold and go watch Monster. Monster is an incredible mystery/psycho-thriller that just doesn't get enough respect. Everybody who's seen Monster thinks it's amazing, and therein lies the problem -- nobody has seen Monster. It's mind-boggling how a series like Monster can stay off the map.

Don't get the picture? Too bad. Watch the series.

Recently, episodes have been subbed at the abominable rate of approximately 1 per month. I'm not going to blame the fansubbers. Fansubbers do an awesome job no matter when an episode comes out, because that's one more episode than I'd be watching without them. The only ones to blame are the fans for having poor taste. Maybe if they watched good shows, more people would sub them.

Monster kicks ass, but it isn't subbed until months after its release. Naruto filler is horrendous, but it's subbed within 24 hours of its airing in Japan. Why? Naruto has a larger fan base. When shitty episodes are more popular than good episodes, where's the incentive to sub the better show? It would just be unappreciated effort, and that's worse than doing nothing at all.

Why are you still reading this page? Do yourself a favor and support good anime by watching Monster now.

UPDATE: 2 weeks after writing this page, fansubbers took notice and finished subbing Monster. Watch it.

7900 people think the second ending theme is badass