Your Feedback Means Shit to Me

Do you have an opinion? Nobody cares. In the words of Maddox, "I am a genius, you are not.". I don't take suggestions, and even if I did, I wouldn't take suggestions from idiots who need pictures and expletives to distinguish between quality and crap.

Don't get the message? That's your fault, not mine. There's no way in hell I'm going to dumb down my work just so you dimwits can understand it. Since my writing style is on par with classic novelists, most people won't be able to comprehend my brilliance until it's annotated by Sparknotes. Tough shit. I'm not changing my style, and if you can't deal with it, don't come to my site.

As far as feedback for the Plagiarism article is concerned, everybody who I've respected as a writer has given it a positive review. One such person has even said that it was her favorite. I don't care. It makes no difference to me what others say, but next time before you start bitching, stop and consider the possibility that you're just talking out of your ass.

4460 dipshits think complaining will make a difference