Midterm Grades: Spring 2007 Fumoffu

I've recently added another two shows from the Spring 2007 season to my lineup. Now that I'm approximately halfway done with both, it's time to dish out another midterm report card. As always, if you're not sure what the grades imply, you'll find more info here.

Note: many of you have already seen the endings of these shows. If my predictions are wrong, back off, I don't want to hear about it.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Episodes seen so far: 15

Premise in terms of other anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann = Fooly Cooly + a plot

Motivation for watching: Recommended by ExiledShinobi

Good call: Badass mid-episode transitions

Bad call: Unreasonable/inconsistent powerups (although the sheer magnitude of its ridiculousness is part of the show's charm)

Notable checklist inclusions: Stylish visual effects, Hilarious ambiguously gay dude, Rivalry, Giant Robots

Tragic checklist exclusions: Lesbians

I want more: Themes of Hatred, Suffering, and Revenge

I want less: Themes of optimism, friendship, and believing in yourself

Best character: The old man

Please kill off: Kamina (Sometimes he's cool, the rest of the time he's preachy)

Does loving this show make you a pedophile: Yes (Yoko is supposedly 14)

Bold Prediction: Viral plays the honorable enemy role until the very end

Projected Trend: Consistent

Other Thoughts: Yoko is not 14

Midterm Grade: A

Seto no Hanayome

Episodes seen so far: 15

Premise in terms of other anime: Seto no Hanayome = Karin - Vampires + Mermaids

Motivation for watching: Recommended by Ghetto

Good call: The Beach Blanket Bingo style intro

Bad call: Rejecting the traditional harem formula. Too much bitch, not enough slut or pussy.

Notable checklist inclusions: Comical victimization, Stylish visual effects, Mangled English, Catchy dance sequence

Tragic checklist exclusions: Themes of Hatred/Suffering/Revenge

I want more: Terminator parodies

I want less: Maki

Best character: Masa

Please kill off: Maki, then Luna. The "I act cute, but I'm actually a bitch!" gag wore off after three episodes of Lucky Star.

Does loving this show make you a pedophile: Yes

Bold Prediction: Everyone lives happily ever after

Projected Trend: Consistent

Other Thoughts: You can turn almost anything into a decent anime these days...

Midterm Grade: B+

3735 people can't figure out why I threw in the Fumoffu