Baka-Raptor is now officially Two Years Old!

(Yes, I am aware that there are 4 candles. I didn't draw this.)

This glorious occasion marks the end of my original two year lease on the domain of For two years I've paid good money for this site, and you got it all for free. I can't believe how generous I am. Somebody should give me a medal.

I only gave myself two years so that I could quit if I ever lost interest in updating this site. Regrettably, that's exactly what's happened. I'm extremely busy, I've lost interest in writing, and I don't feel like wasting anymore money on this bullshit.

Just kidding. I'd rather get punched in the solar plexus than abandon this site.

Baka-Raptor lives for another two years! However, true to my original plan, I've reevaluated this website and decided to make a few changes:

1. I am now Baka-Raptor

You know that dinosaur in the purple hat? Now that's me. It'll save me the trouble of correcting everyone who already refers to me as Baka-Raptor.

2. Everything I write will be about anime (or at least under the pretext of anime)

During the early days of this website, I assumed I could write approximately half my posts about random crap and still be on schedule with my anime posts. I was a little off...

Here are a few of my original ideas that never got their own post:

3. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaay is now Geyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Apparently I've been spelling it wrong this whole time.

4. I will eventually switch to Wordpress

If it sucks, I'll switch back. However, it looks promising:



If the comments devolve into that rofl my wofl crap, I'll disable them.

I'll probably attempt to switch over to Wordpress sometime in March. Don't freak out if the website looks like shit for a few days. In any case you should be used to it.

Finally, I'd like to thank the fans, whether you're from New York, Texas, California, Hawaii, Canada, England, Chile, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Malaysia, the Triassic continent of Pangea, or any other place where some people/dinosaurs apparently don't suck. You guys amuse me to no end. You're the originals, and your emails/comments/recommendations will take priority over anyone else's:

You vs. Another anime website. Winner: You

You vs. A New Fan. Winner: You

You vs. Another original fan. Winner: You

You vs. Maddox. Winner: Maddox

You vs. My Mom. Winner: You

You vs. Me. Winner: Me (I was my own biggest fan from day one)

2541 more years of Baka-Raptor to come