
Tag: my grading scheme is flawless

Close Enough

Seven years ago, I successfully predicted the ending of Naruto. This is proven by the image below, which admittedly could’ve been edited in MS Paint. But Baka-Raptor, that’s not how it ended! Not anymore. According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, […]

The Rating System Flow Chart: Version 1

Even if you’ve never previously come across my oft-copied, time-tested rating system, there’s no need for me to explain it, since it’s so intuitive that I’m really only writing this paragraph to boast about its practical elegance. Three degrees of […]

False Start and Forward Progress

Behavioral and psychological studies have repeatedly shown that people value first impressions and final impressions a lot more than anything in between. Not me. I’m a middle man. Some of favorite shows have beginnings or endings that flat-out suck, but […]