
Tag: claymore kicks ass

Japanese School Swimsuits are Hideous

No wonder Galatea slashed her eyes and got to a nunnery Me in 2001: Why are they having nosebleeds? Me in 2006: Why are they bleeding out of anything but their eyes after seeing that ugly swimsuit? Me in 2011: […]

False Start and Forward Progress

Behavioral and psychological studies have repeatedly shown that people value first impressions and final impressions a lot more than anything in between. Not me. I’m a middle man. Some of favorite shows have beginnings or endings that flat-out suck, but […]

What ever happened to standards?

When I first watched Full Metal Alchemist, Roy Mustang’s “sexiness” cracked me up. If you haven’t seen the show, here’s the gag: all the ladies would fall head over heels for him even though he looks generic enough to be […]