
Category: OH!

Is Kamina GAR?

Quick, name a GAR character. Did you say Kamina? Why not Guts, Kenshiro, or Golgo 13? Why is it Kamina’s name that’s synonymous with GAR? I asked the OH! Team to enlighten me. Baka-Raptor: I don’t get it. Why does […]

The True Meaning of GAR

Meet Karna, a legendary badass from the Mahabharata. ((An ancient epic ten times longer than the Illiad and Odessy combined, and the only thing in the history of India that doesn’t suck)) Never heard of him? It’s a damn shame. […]

Lelouch’s Last Lecture

Get over to OH and watch it. Notes: The video is based off Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture and Code Geass R2 It took approximately 8 hours to make (2AM-10AM) Windows Movie Maker crashed three times Lip-synching is a pain in […]