
Category: April Fools

Japan, Here I Come!

I got accepted to the JET Program! It all started when I went blind a few years ago. I needed a hobby that didn’t involve seeing stuff, so I decided to learn Japanese through podcast lessons. Since listening comprehension is […]

R&R: Raptor and Robot

I love slice-of-life comedies. Everyone loves slice-of-life comedies. Sure, I appreciate a good plot once in a while, and creative jokes are also a plus, but after a long day of work, I just want something simple and soothing to […]

Censored Comments: Round 1

It’s no secret that I censor comments. People who claim they’ll never censor comments under any circumstances are liars. At least I had the decency to warn you from Day 1. However, it’s occurred to me that none of my […]

My eyes are better!

Look how happy I am I was certain that taking a break from anime would help my eyes get better. What I didn’t expect was to get better so quickly! I’d been feeling progressively better over the past few days, […]