Maria-sama ga Miteru: No Complaints

(It says "Maria-sama ga Miteru")

Maria-sama ga Miteru (occassionally abbreviated as "Marimite") isn't perfect, but for once in my life, I don't feel like complaining. I once had several valid complaints lined up, but they've all been satisfactorily addressed:

1. Not enough episodes

It took a few episodes to get into this series, so 13 episodes felt too short. Then I found out that there were some OVAs and a second season. Thanks fans, for not telling me.

2. Too girly

It turned out more tolerable than I'd expected. Sure, there's plenty of gossip...

...but there's surprisingly little cattiness and backstabbing. I can deal with that.

3. Not enough comedy

This show tries to stay classy, so aside from Rosa Gigantea sexually harassing Yumi, the comical scenes were kept to a minimum:

There's also some jocular commentating during the episode previews, but that barely lasts 30 seconds. Then I found out about the awesome DVD specials:

Self-parody kicks ass.

Well developed minor characters
Simultaneous subplots
Unforeseeable plot twists
Comical victimization
Recurring random character(s)
Badass mid-episode transitions
Soundtrack by Yuki Kajiura
Frequently updated intro/ending visuals
A consistently timed ending theme
Fade into intro/ending
Themes of Hatred/Suffering/Revenge
Topics of Hatred/Suffering/Revenge
Hilarious ambiguously gay dude
Stylish visual effects
Giant Robots
Tournament Competition
Graphic violence
A character vaguely resembling myself
Failed confessions
Mangled English
Mangled French
Pimp in a white suit
Disheveled journalist/photographer
Soft-spoken girl voiced by Mamiko Noto
Inspiration for ShizNat fanart
Rampant Pedophilia
Time Travel
Supernatural Power
Catch phrases
Alternate universe filler

Reusing the same voice isn't limited to Mamiko Noto. At times you can't help but mix up Yumi with another one of Kana Ueda's voices: Mikan from Gakuen Alice.

And before I forget, Marimite is...

It's also occassionally the basis for ShizNat fanart. (example)

4709 episodes were released without my knowledge