Archive of Fan Quotes

"Thanks for your reviews, they're marvellous." - Reiko-chan
"When this guy said he ripped off Maddox, he wasn't kidding.. Like, totally and completely" - arleas
"This is both sad and mostly true at the same time" - Alex
"You've got to tell me about this Bake-a-Raptor" - MagicAces
"I was watching the latest ep of Negima!?, and I thought the mid-episode transition aid 'Shizuru and Natsuki's Room. But it really said 'Chizuru and Natsume's Room'. I was quite disappointed." - Praz
"this guys a genius. so funny. read. discuss. enjoy... READ NEGIMA!!! ONE PIECE SUCKS XP" - Dream_Walker
Black Cat is an anime...I found a reveiw about it...the guy who made it seems to hate a lot of anime, and the reveiw about it is not as bad as it could have been." - WhatAUnhappyEnd

"I just have to say... You watch more anime than anyone I've ever heard of." - Faye

"The way you describe your slutty cousin warms my heart." - Lisa

"Question: is that your anime-blog? It seems pretty good...however it loses mad points for being a huge knock-off of Maddox's site... heh." - crazy_cavalier

"You're right, Guts is cool. I mean, almost as cool as you." - raptor572

"This guy reminds me in college." - Alan on this forum

Me: "I tried to pick up a copy of the Economist, but they were all sold out"

Shen: "Are you going to write about it?"

"I went to a target while in San Diego and I was near the electronics department. This hot girl (~24ish) grabbed on to her boyfriend's arm and said in a sexy voice "but I want a roboreptile". Highlight of the trip." - Ghetto

"You realize I watched Blood+ based solely on your recommendation. Now I have to watch that show about pain and suffering."- raptor572

"can i suck your cc-c-c--c-c-c-...hilarious" - Bernie

"I'm watching "Pimp My Ride" where the car was broken into by a bear that tore apart the interior of the car. Normally, I wouldn't email, but they gave her a hammock that expands out of the trunk." - Ghetto

"If it's any consolation, Sephiroth is a weak-ass baby in Kingdom Hearts II. If he pulls a Sin Harvest on you in KH II, it's only because you're deaf, blind, mentally retarded, and have no arms." - Weitzman
"Bode Miller is the man, and in my ideal world I would be him and I would have babies with Michelle Wie." - Jarek
"Sarv is most likely to spend more time playing video games than studying."
- Mana's back to school prediction on Facebook
"Weitzman is sweeter than me. He raped me in smash brothers." - Ghetto
"That could very well be the best compliment he's ever received, or tied with the guy who called him an untapped natural resource." - Praz

"No, no, c'mon, hindu gods are worshipped and natural resources are abused by Bush." - InnerBeauty

"hahahahahhahaha i love your site, you should be a hindu god" - InnerBeauty
"Everytime I read Who is Baka-Raptor I can't stop laughing" - Tennis
"Blood+ is single handedly responsible for messing up my sleep cycle" - Nat
"Your website is a godsend" - Raptor572
"Calling me a dumbass? WTF dude?" - Mike
"I constantly hit refresh to inflate your counters" - Tennis
"Please, i think i know u well enough to know ur a huge maddox fan/dig anime/scorn idiots :-P
Actually anyone who knows you should know that" - jyro

"I must say, visiting your site on a semi-regular basis is quite healthy for me" - MF


"You are an untapped natural resource." - The Golden Boy

"Nice website you have there. It's neat." - Tennis

(My algorithms team is discussing a problem in which we have to find the optimal set
of activities that maximize fun under the constraints of sun exposure and cost)

Me: "...There could be an activity with no fun and no sun whatsoever."

TransientGrey: "That last activity sounds a lot like going to CMU."

Josh#2: "And the cost is very, very high."


"Oh Shit! I hope you cousin doesn't read your website." - transientgrey

"I remember watching the Rose felt like someone was playing Madden on the easy setting" - transientgrey

3127 losers want 3126 other losers to listen to them